In the code,
we have driver A and I would expected that B follows its waveform after a delay. Let's see the simulation diagram.
process begin
c <= '1'; wait for 3 ns;
c <= '0'; wait for 3 ns;
c <= '1'; wait for 3 ns;
end process;
a <= c;
ZOI: entity ZeroOhm port map(a, b);

What's that? Instead of 101, I see something terrible on B surrounding 0 value.
I sincerely confess, I do not understand what is the advantage of this model. I just see that instead of delay, it introduces Z-states every driver transition. These gaps corrupt the beautiful picture and completely destroy the signal when driver period comes close to the transport delay. That is, in the cases of larger delay it becomes more important to take into simulation but worse it is corrupted by the transport model. Corrupting instead of propagation is not what we need.
Ben tried to deliver every transaction to another end, which seems impossible due to feedbacks. He used the gaps of silence to break them. Unfortunately, this also invalidates the model.
But, if you think a little, there is no need to simulate the feedbacks. Normally, there is no more than one active driver per line. Neither reflections nor other drivers are allowed to issue their signal values into the line until it stops. At this moment, user introduces Z-gaps himself, to prevent congestion. Feedbacks are not possible. Thus, switch should not spoil the signal introducing 3-state transition periods.
Exploiting this usage of 3-state drivers, though defeats the strong-weak congestion resolution between the communicating parties, at least, does not destroy the normal signal.

The effect is more dramatic when you simulate 4.5 ns board delays for DDR transfers with half of the period = 2.5 ns. Bens's model delivers nothing:
Here is the code
entity Z_SWITCH is
generic (LAG: time := 1 ns);
port (
A, B: inout std_logic := 'Z' -- must be Z-separated or A takes precedence
end entity;
architecture WAIT_FOR_Z of Z_SWITCH is
procedure P(constant NAME: string; signal X: in std_logic; variable X_TIMEOUT: in time;
signal Y: out std_logic; variable Y_TIMEOUT: inout time) is
if now > X_TIMEOUT and X /= 'Z' then
L1: loop
Y <= transport X after LAG;
Y_TIMEOUT := now + LAG;
if X = 'Z' then
exit L1;
end if;
wait on X;
end loop;
end if;
end procedure;
variable A_TO, B_TO: time := - 10 ns; -- signal will propagate up to this time, do not loop it back.
wait on A, B;
P("A->B", A, A_TO, B, B_TO); -- until A iz not Z
P("B->A", B, B_TO, A, A_TO); -- until B is not Z
end process;
end architecture;
Z-switch Bus and TB
library IEEE;
entity Z_SWITCH_TB is
end entity;
architecture TB of Z_SWITCH_TB is
constant PERIOD: time := 5 ns;
constant LAG: time := 4.5 ns;
procedure DDR_DRIVE(signal S: out std_logic) is begin
for I in 1 to 2 loop
S <= '0'; wait for PERIOD/2;
S <= '1'; wait for PERIOD/2;
end loop;
S <= 'Z'; wait for 1.3 * PERIOD;
end procedure;
procedure SEQUENCE(signal A,B: inout std_logic) is begin
end procedure;
NO_CONN: block
signal A, B: std_logic := 'Z';
process begin SEQUENCE(A, B); end process;
end block;
Z_SWITCH: block
signal A, B: std_logic := 'Z';
DUT: entity Z_SWITCH generic map (LAG) port map(A, B);
process begin SEQUENCE(A, B); end process;
end block;
ZERO_OHM: block
signal A, B: std_logic := 'Z';
DUT: entity ZeroOhm generic map (LAG, LAG) port map(A, B);
process begin SEQUENCE(A, B); end process;
end block;
end architecture;
library IEEE;
entity Z_BUS is
generic (LAG: time := 1 ns);
port (
A, B: inout std_logic_vector
end entity;
architecture ARCH of Z_BUS is
BUS_COMMUTATOR: for I in A'range generate
SWITCH: entity Z_SWITCH generic map(LAG) port map(A(I), B(I));
end generate;
end architecture;
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